Wheatgrass and chlorella are my two superhero supplements. Both have incredible properties and are packed with nutrients. I'm often asked which is 'best' but it really depends on what your goals are and any specific conditions you may have.
So to try and help clarify each supplement's different benefits and which might suit whom better, here's my ultimate guide to wheatgrass and chlorella.
What separates wheatgrass from other supplements is the remarkable number of nutrients it contains.

Wheatgrass contains:
- Most of the known vitamins and minerals
- 297 proteins
- More than 80 active enzymes
- Fatty acids
- Immunomodulators
- Growth hormones
- Phytonutrients (i.e. chlorophyll)
- Carotenoids
- Bioflavonoids
- Growth factors
- RNA and DNA
What's the difference between wheatgrass and other grasses?
Wheatgrass differs from other grasses like Barley in that in contains P4D1, a gluco-protein that acts like an antioxidant. This is thought to reduce inflammation which promotes healthy digestive function and overall health. Wheatgrass is also alkaline and can balance the body’s acidity giving comfort to a range of conditions.
As humans don't have the luxury of two stomachs (!) breaking wheatgrass down into a powder makes it completely digestible. As wheatgrass is far more nutritious than any vegetable this makes it ultra convenient as a dietary add-in rather than just bulking up on leafy greens.
Can wheatgrass help digestion?
Wheatgrass has high levels of the digestive enzymes that are depleted with age. It can help restore your normal digestive processes and help to cleanse the colon and liver. Sufferers of constipation, bloating and even more serious conditions like IBS have found relief by adding wheatgrass to their diet.
Can wheatgrass help to boost energy levels?
Wheatgrass is high in chlorophyll which is remarkably similar to a molecule in our haemoglobin which is found in red blood cells that transport oxygen around the body. This means that wheatgrass can be beneficial for specific conditions like anaemia whilst also acting as a universal energiser; promoting more efficient oxygenation of the blood and other cellular processes.
Is wheatgrass used for detoxing?
Wheatgrass' high chlorophyll content makes it a great general cleanser. Wheatgrass seems to help ‘chelate’ or clump toxins and heavy metals together to make them easier to expel from the body.
Does wheatgrass help with healthy ageing?
Wheatgrass is an antioxidant powerhouse with well-documented free radical scavenging abilities, which makes it an essential supplement to help reduce some of the effects of ageing on our skin and digestion. Wheatgrass has also shown a promising effect of lowering blood sugar and cholesterol levels both which stress our body and lead to ill health.
Chlorella has been around for over 3 billion years and is one of our oldest, simplest and most powerful forms of nutrition. It is incredibly nutrient rich and contains:
- 9 x the beta carotene of carrots
- 5 x the iron of liver
- 2 x the protein of beef
- 2 x the vitamin K of kale
- 2 x the calcium of milk
- 8 x the RNA of sardines
- 6 x the lutein of kale
What is chlorella?
Chlorella is a tiny single-celled algae that lives in fresh water. It is one of the most basic forms of life: Small as a blood cell it reproduces at an astonishing rate with a full cycle in 24 hours.
What is 'Cracked Cell Wall Chlorella'?
Chlorella has a hard cell wall which can't be digested by humans. This is why my tablets are crucially formulated using cracked cell wall chlorella. This makes them easy to digest and easy for the nutrients to be assimilated by the body.
Is chlorella an everyday supplement?
Chlorella is the perfect supplement to support everyday health. Like my Organic Wheatgrass Powder, chlorella is an incredibly rich source of chlorophyll. It contains all 9 essential amino acids and omega 3, 6, and 9 fatty acids.
Does chlorella help to detox?
Yes! Like wheatgrass it can help to carry off toxins and heavy metals in the body.
Does chlorella have any benefits for blood sugar and cholesterol?
Research is beginning to show that chlorella has the power to help improve blood sugar levels and reduce cholesterol.
What else can chlorella help with?
Chlorella is one of the best sources of RNA and DNA which makes it the perfect support for healthy ageing. It also aids the digestive processes and the function of the gut microbiome.