Wheatgrass is the young shoots of the common wheat plant (or Triticum Aestivum), and it is a truly remarkable plant. Here are 5 important things you need to know about wheatgrass:
1 Wheatgrass contains P4D1, which acts like an antioxidant.
This amazing gluco-protein is the first known substance studies have shown to promote the repair of DNA and is also thought to help the body attack cancer cells.
2 Wheatgrass is made of 70% chlorophyll which is incredibly similar to a molecule in haemoglobin
This molecule is found in red blood cells that transport oxygen around the body. It also shares exactly the same ph level as our blood, which is 7.35. This means that wheatgrass could be beneficial for specific conditions like anaemia while also acting as a universal energiser, promoting more efficient oxygenation of the blood and other cellular processes. This high chlorophyll content has also been shown to make wheatgrass a great general cleanser. Wheatgrass is thought to help ‘chelate’ or clump toxins and heavy metals together to make them easier to expel from the body.
3 Wheatgrass is naturally alkaline
This means that it could negate the effects of acid and calm conditions like IBS
4 Wheatgrass is a prebiotic food
This means that it helps probiotics to proliferate. As we all know, gut health is incredibly important for our overall physical and mental well-being, so creating an environment which allows beneficial bacteria to flourish is key.
5 Wheatgrass is packed with nutrients; it contains:
- Most of the known vitamins and minerals
- 297 proteins
- More than 80 active enzymes
- Fatty acids
- Immunomodulators
- Growth hormones
- Phytonutrients (i.e. chlorophyll)
- Carotenoids
- Bioflavonoids
- Growth factors
- RNA and DNA
One thing to bear in mind when shopping for wheatgrass is that it isn't all of the same quality. Lots of wheatgrass is grown indoors or in countries that have high levels of pollution and isn't ground to a degree that makes it easy to mix with water. My wheatgrass is grown to stringent organic standards in one of the cleanest, greenest environments on earth - New Zealand’s South Island. The island has negligible pollution and is nuclear-free, which is why we continue to grow our wheatgrass outdoors, unlike many suppliers that grow in trays or indoors. The high mineral content of the soil and purity of the air guarantee a potent wheatgrass offering maximum therapeutic potential.