Chlorella is a truly incredibly supplement with so many beneficial qualities but did you know that it’s also been shown to promote gut health?
Firstly chlorella contains more chlorophyll than any other plant based food. It also contains Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF) which is a group of immune system-boosting substances that's completely unique to chlorella. These support your body on a cellular level and vitally contribute to the function of the digestive system. As we now know that most immunity is created in the gut, this is great news for the body and its overall health.
It's a little know fact that chlorella stimulates the growth of friendly bacteria which gives it a prebiotic effect - strengthening gut flora and resisting disease. A study in 1957 found that chlorella promoted rapid growth of Lactobacillus acidophilus which is a bacteria that promotes colon health.
The high chlorophyll content that's present in chlorella also helps to keep the bowel clean and its cellulose membrane binds to heavy metals and carries them out of the body. Crucially chlorella doesn’t bind to the minerals that your body naturally needs or other beneficial minerals, it only chelates toxins.
It is thought that chlorella also has the power to repair damaged tissue as well as promoting regular bowels and softer stools.